Yesterdays weight: 70.8 Kg
Todays Weight: 69.8 Kg a whole Kg gone.. that almost never happens :-)
Breakfast: Oatbran Porridge with the addition of the Light Cocoa, just right today
Lunch: Well I forgot my original lunch, so plan B was m&s Chicken skewers (15.? g carbs in 4) which I removed the red peppers from x 2, I used to eat the four but I actually stopped when I felt a bit on the full side, whereas the 4 used to just satisfy me.
Dinner: Well, I gave in to some tomatoes, 4 cherry tomatoes as I had no onion to add to my omelette, in the grand scheme of things I dont think that 4 small tomatoes has a large carb conent. In order for Ketosis apparently you are looking to consume below 50g carbs per day and I honestly dont think they will push me over that.
light halloumi in the omelette and smoked tuna on the side
I have really been closely inspecting carbs recently and have found that a lot of the yogurts no matter how low fat and sweetend with everything but sugar arent always a low carb option, my fave coconut one is approx 10g as is the vanilla low fat one I used to get from M&S, its just a case of re-educating myself. I have also done a bit of reading on healthy carb consumption and I feel once I am past the stages and continuing with the oatbran and the 1 PP day I will be extra careful with the kind of carbs I consume, I dont want carb overdosing to be an everyday thing ever again, because lets face it we dont need them in excess and they are in a lot of naughty things! Okay so brown rice and the occaisonal spud etc isnt going to harm me, but it we actually break it down and think what the majority of people eat in the UK and a lot of the world really from start to finish in the day carbs are a huge staple, cereal, sandwiches, pasta, rice, potatoes, snacking on biscuits, cakes or crisps, there are more exciting alternatives!! .. well maybe not always, some days you really cant beat a bag of salt and vinegar.
Snacks: 1 low cal blueberry and blackcurrant jelly (under 2g carbs) 2 slices or half fat cheese with some salmon creamcheese spread on and 1/12 flaxseed and oatbran bread with some salmon and creamcheese sandwich spead, A clever idea with those flaxseed breads would be a bagel, or even like little miss contrary did, some buns.. genius!
Summary: Well, I am sorry I haven't written much this week, I am suprised I even posted. It has felt like if I dont post I will quickly lose the habit of this diet and fail, and for another I enjoy posting. I have had rather a busy week professionally dividing myself between departments so feel a little drained from that apart from my ear infection which doesnt seem to want to leave me.
The work social on friday was a great event and I behaved myself on the food most of the night, but the alcohol did flow and well, I lost count, it was something of a set back but I got straight back into it.. none of my hangover grazing, infact I managed to dodge the sore head alltogether.. spooky!
I am really looking forward to the weekend, looking forward to doing a spot of real cooking and just relaxing a little.. with a gym session or 2 slotted in somewhere :-) Any how, hope everyones week is going well also. Keep up the good work, Cookie x