Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 19 PV

yesterdays weight: 74.1kg lbs

Todays Weight: 74kg lbs come on 73.?? come on!!

Breakfast: oatbran porridge with skim milk and low sugar cocoa

Lunch: superfood salad with get this.. lovely green crunchy bits and when I looked at the pack all was revealed.. brocolli stalk the part that if im honest i sometimes waste. I put some low fat cottage cheese in and some ham and it was lovely, I did not use the pommegranate and orange dressing either, impressed with myself there! however on the naughty side there was a spinkling of edamame and pumpkin seeds and it was heaven in my salad.

Dinner: Swamp soup (spinach and mushroom) to start

then salad and smoked mackerel - okay its not really cooking, its just chucking things together but heres a photo anyway!

Snacks: someone offered me one of those naturals snake gummy sweets and shamefully I ate two, ahh well. Now I wont be too shocked if Im not seeing the right scores on the doors tomorrow. vanilla yogurt, and light babybel

Summary: I have just finished my dinner and somehow I really want a snack, perhaps I will have some sliced ham later, no gym today or tomorrow as I am getting my hair done, specially for dolly..well not for her exactly, for the sake of going out and feeling good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm rooting with you for a 73 kg reading tomorrow...come on, 73! :)
