Friday 19 August 2011

yesterdays weight: 74.6kg lbs

Todays Weight: 74.5kg lbs 100g of weight loss this week, finally..its pretty shocking really so I need to assess where i’m going wrong!

Breakfast: bowl of oatbran porridge with tsp of cocoa pwder and 1% fat milk, we ordered in from work, 2 fried eggs and two sausages so I wont be suprised if the scales are reading high the next few days :-(

Lunch: I have made some chicken nuggets to bring to work with ketchup and unlike yesterdays omelette quiche my dad did not decide they look nice, I’ll have them. but they are scrummy, I did have to hide them in the fridge :-)

Dinner: I have my katsu curry left, although today is no veg day, I cant have the apsaragus and I shall have to strain the veg from the sauce, not to worry really, all under control. I did not have the asparagus.. but i cba removing the carrot from the sauce

Snacks: I got offered a choccy biccy but I said no..thank you

Summary: I need to do some shopping, I am allowed veggies tomorrow and I would really like to make a cottage pie topped with celeriac mash, hopefully the family will eat this without fuss.

Shopping list
celeriac - makes great coleslaw also, low fat feta if such a thing exists, oat bran, babybel light - were allowed these right??, smoked salmon, 1 whole trout.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress thus far -- doing a 10-day Attack is impressive!

    It seems like most people have a slowdown in their weight loss when they make the transition from Attack to Cruise. I bet you'll start seeing some results soon, once your body lets go of the water weight from the veggies...
