Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 12 - Day 2 'Cruise' PP

yesterdays weight: 74.7kg lbs

Todays Weight: 74.6kg lbs back to where i was the other day but it is a loss i guess in the grand scheme of things thats okay in my books!

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with 2 slices extra lean corned beef

Lunch: 4 slices lean sliced ham and a pot of passionfruit mousse, this had a weird funny taste and i could not for the life of me fathom what it could possibly be - however I did notice it had rice flour in and was loaded with carbs..wrong move to check the labels after consumption!

Dinner: 2 venison burgers, i really like them but they do leave me with a slightly oily mouth which is odd because looking at the label they arent loaded with fat like a lot of other burgers on the market. I had some spring onion and a chopped gherkin to garnish, were allowed to use these things for seasoning right..just happens that the seasoning looked remarkably like a salad.

Snacks: 3 pieces beef jerky. small pieces they do remind me of doggy treats.

Summary: All in all not a bad day, was in a meeting most of the afternoon so I did not have chance to snack which is always good, productive and not snacking..go me!

feeling super organised as I have already made my quiche for lunch tomorrow. recipe and pictures to follow

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