Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 13 - PV -And the GYM

yesterdays weight: 74.6kg lbs

Todays Weight: 74.6kg lbs the scales were switching from 74.3 - 74.6, thought id go for the higher one in case, as i could not bear a gain tomorrow

 Breakfast: naughty I know, oatbran porridge with 1% fat milk mixed with 1/2 tsp cocoa powder

Lunch: I went to a sanwich shop and got a salad box with greek salad, beetroot, onion, a boiled egg, lettuce, peppers and tomatoe..the bad bits were the feta which were few and far between and the olives had about 3 olive halves, and put some low fat cottage cheese and roast chicken on, it was delish and very filling, didnt neet to eat again until 7. I also got a 45 minute work out in and burnt 500 cals on the stepper, cross trainer and treadmill - and I did some weights too! :-)

Dinner: I feel terribly guilty because this tasted so so good but looking at it I really cant see it being awful. I make chicken Katsu curry and served it with asparagus which had got to be one of my favorite veggies! I will post the recipe, its very similar to the chicken schnitzel but with a sauce and I have added different herbs and spices to the batter and oatbran. any how I had one chicken escalope breast piece a serving of sauce which was made with carrots and onions fried in a spray of oil and used a tsp of cornflour. the recipe makes two, I still have a portion of chicken and sauce and asparagus left for tomorrows dinner, which will be useful if I get to the gym again.


Summary: I feel bad about a few tiny pieces of feta, a.5 olives and about 4 sprays of olive oil and Im just hoping that my workout has made up for those things.
I feel great however that I have returned to the gym, I was going very regularly and then went on holiday, after that I got a sinus infection, followed by an ear infection, a huge mouth ulcer and another ear infection so I have enless excuses not to go. If i'm not going now that is just pure laziness, its so difficult getting back into a routine.


  1. Well done for getting back to the gym. It always seems such a long way away when your comfy on the settee doesnt it!

  2. Thank you, I can never go home then to the gym, have to go straight after work otherwise its a no go!!
