Saturday 13 August 2011

Recipe for stewed rhubarb

Right on this dukan diet you are allowed one fruit for the first initial phases, RHUBARB, what a lifesaver and a delicious ingrendient! I am sure not everyone is a fan as it does have a tendency to be rather bitter.

In my recipe I am not using any regular sugar, I am chopping up the rhubarb that I have which was approx 250g, adding a small amount of diet doctor pepper about half a cupfull will do. and 3 tablespoons of agave syrup and a few drops of rose water.

There are so many different brands of the above mentioned and they can be purchased in a few stores, they are perhaps not the most common of products, but you can always check them out on the links below so you know what you are looking for.


  1. Hi Cookie! Great alternative rhubarb recipe - I went really simple for mine. I'd put in Dr Pepper if I liked the flavour - maybe I can find an alternative!

    One thing I'd say - generally speaking Agave syrup isn't great on the Dukan diet. It's low GI, sure, but it still has lots of digestible carbs which can threaten to throw you out of ketosis. But everyone is different! If you find you're still losing weight while having Agave, then go for it. And then when you hit a plateau, it can be one of those things you can consider cutting out for a while to see how it goes. :)

    Good luck!

  2. Hello Charlotte, Thanks for your comment. I usually put diet lemonade with rhubarb to give it the sweetness, to tell you the truth i didnt have any so Dr pepper it was ;-P. I have been relying on agave syrup and I have lost a little but I will give it a try without, thank you for the advice. I have had a few reads of the book but there is a lot to digest so theres times where its hard to know what we can and can't have. I sm however enjoying everyones blogs and recipes, I am such a foodie so the exploration is a fun process for me.

    Thank you for your help, best of luck :-)

  3. Hi Cookie - I think rhubarb is meant to help with the bunged up problem too...

  4. Hello Little Miss Contrary, thanks for your comment. I do hope it works :-) I have got to say I have had a look at your blog for some inspiration also, don't think this would be quite as successful if they weren't there, its always good to see others experiences too.
