Sunday 8 December 2013

Changing again

So, I have always been against replacing meals with powder but I have a short time frame and I have decided to give Celebrity Slim a try. With it being party season I would like to lose a few pounds to feel more comfortable in my dresses and lose weight prior to Christmas where I am likely to gain some.

I am currently 78.6KG so pretty heavy.

I am also currently hung-over, and as such, the diet is definitely starting tomorrow rather than now.

Okay, so I plan to start the day with a shake, I am then allowed a mid morning snack, Lunch which is also a shake and a mid afternoon snack. I can then have an evening meal providing that my carb intake is reduced and it should be relatively light. As with any diet I feel organisation will be the key to succeeding. I plan to have a think about my snacks and generally obsess about food and eating for the next fortnight or so.

Wish me luck, I would say my realistic goal is 3 kilos, and for my clothes to feel a little looser.

Cookie x

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