Tuesday 2 April 2013


Well I'm back.. and yet again Fat!

Over 2012 I made several attempts to restart the Dukan diet, and whilst it was a simple option when I was single.

I have found its not so easy to stick to when your part of a couple and the other half loves everything with carbs!

It took a while but I started accepting carbs back into my life and after some time I didnt feel guilty about it. I ate a sandwish everyday and had pasta, rice or potatoes most evenings.

We went on holiday last April and as usual I felt massive when we came home. I took action and went from 77KG to 69KG by September by following weightwatchers religouslty.. well almost!

Me and Dan bought a house in September and as you can imagine the diet started to slip.. yet again, sane old story.

So easterhe has come and the chocolate has gone, lots and lots of it and I am dreading the scales. I will do it, and hopefully can start taking action soon. This year we are not planning a holiday, money is tight due to our recent purchase.

One of the things about the Dukan that was  not ideal was the expense, I like meat but not enough to scoff it at every meal. I had to buy lots of smoked salmon and nice cuts of meat to enable me to stick to the diet.

With Weightwatchers I am hoping to diet on a budget. Saving and slimming is what I need to do.

First things first. I need to get my food shop down, in March I spent over £480 on food (doesn't include any alcohol) for 2 of us. I dont throw lots of things away but there must be ways I can save some money and I am going to have a play and see what can be done.

I have done weightwatchers many years ago and never thought about blogging about it, probably because I haven't really seen any weightwatchers blogs. I haven't really looked very hard to be honest. I learnt all about Dukan though a blog and thats where this is different.

I am currently spending £10.95 per month on the weightwatchers website and it is a resource that I dont use as much as I should with an abundance of recipes that I could do with trying.

Its worked for me before and I am determined to make it work for me again. Wish me luck, hoping to get down to 74 by 20 May 2013. I have a lovely Wheels and Doll Baby dress that Dan bought me for Christmas and I am looking forward to it fitting a little better.

Weigh in details will follow.. on Saturday


  1. Good luck! We are having the same issues...eating Dukan can get expensive depending on where you live and what's available!
