Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 18 Cruising PP

yesterdays weight: 74.6kg lbs

Todays Weight: 74.1kg lbs

Breakfast: oatbran with skimmed milk and 40 calorie cocoa

Lunch: 1 pack sliced chicken, a light babybel, 1 pepperami

Dinner: 4 teriyaki beef kebabs

Snacks: 1 low fat low carb vanilla yogurt

Summary: I have been to the gym, 500 calories and weights, I have been going very slow, i used to feel the need to burn 1000 calories but since I am restricting carbs etc I am not so strict with working out and I am not going anywhere near as much I have in the past, suprisingly I would go almost everyday for a hard workout and see very minimal results at the end of it, hopefully slow and steady is the way to go!! I am really wanting to see 73.?? soon enough on the scales...comeee onnnn!!

Realisation..just remembered I had a skinny frappe although I do believe I saw the girl who served me using the blue top milk.........:-( I would normally have said something but she was just so rude to start with I did not have the time


  1. Ah coffee baristas the same the world over!! 1000 calories burned is huge. Dont push yourself too hard - even 500 sounds like alot to me! I used to aim for 300 when I went to the gym!! anyway well done for sticking to it despite the little gain. I'm sure it will continue. LMC :@)

  2. Thanks Little Miss, I do enjoy the gym once I get into a routine, its just getting started and dragging myself to the gym that is usually the hardest part. I opted out of coffee today, that full fat one yesterday left a bad taste in my mouth, i used to love blue top milk and after years of not having it i feels quite greasy in my mouth which has out me off so thats good! I am planning to give the rhubarb crumble a try at the weekend :-) excited for deserts!
